christmas/new year closure: please note we are closed from 24th december to 17th january, inclusive.
all job requests, messages & emails will be actioned in the order they are received.

Waterwise Irrigation Rebate

Waterwise Irrigation Rebate
Spring is here, and so is the new Waterwise Irrigation Rebate program! 

With the arrival of spring, the Water Corporation has just launched their updated Waterwise Irrigation Rebate program. This year, you can connect directly with an approved reticulation service provider, like us, instead of registering with the Water Corp and waiting to be allocated to a waterwise irrigator, like previous years.

To take advantage of the rebate, simply contact us and let us know you’re interested in the Waterwise Irrigatrion Rebate program. We’ll discuss your needs to ensure the work you need qualifies for the rebate. We will book a job in and during our on-site visit, we’ll complete any necessary checks and handle the rebate paperwork for you. The paperwork will be sent to you with your invoice from us, and as soon as you have paid the invoice, you are able to submit the rebate form and our invoice to the Water Corp with your proof of payment (eg, a screenshot of your internet banking receipt).

The good news is that even if you’ve taken part in the program in the past three years, you can still qualify for this year’s rebate, provided you meet the requirements. You could receive up to $200 towards eligible products and services, which will be added as a credit directly to your water account.

For more details, check out the Waterwise Irrigation Rebate information on the Water Corporation website.

Contact us directly to schedule your service and make the most of this opportunity! We are looking forward to helping you with your irrigation needs this spring!