mr retic pricing
On our website we try to give you as accurate an estimate as possible for Mr Retic pricing so that you won’t get any surprises down the track.
reticulation / irrigation service work
Irrigation Service Work/ Retic Repairs: Please note that we do not quote for retic repair or service work.
$99.00 for the first quarter hour and then $27.50./quarter hour after that (plus any parts used) inc GST.
All of our service & repair jobs are charged at the above mentioned rates. To mitigate a big bill that you aren’t expecting, we suggest you give us an upper limit for repair work (eg, $300, which gives us time to find the issues and start fixing them. If we are nearing your limit and have more work to do, we can estimate further time & parts required).
Some typical costs (inc GST) are:
New Replacement Station Solenoid – $145-$220
New Master Valve – $165-$280
Minor Reticulation service – $150-$180
New Control Box Installation and Programming – $425-$860
Solenoid Detection and Location Finding – $170.00-$350
reticulation / irrigation installs
Installations are always on a location by location inspection and design, but the following “set up costs” can be expected:
- Retic cut with non-return and check valves by licensed waterwise plumber $250.00 inc GST
- Hardwiring of controller by a Licenced Electrician $200.00 inc GST
- Electronic Controller $440.00-$890.00 inc GST (depending on what Reticulation Controller is chosen)
To give you an idea of what to expect for installing a new reticulation system. The best guess estimate for a 4 x 2 home on a 600m block with 5 or 6 stations is usually around $3750.00 inc GST.
For a front irrigation installation on this size of a home would be around $2250.00 inc GST and therefore a rear installation would typically be around $1650.00 inc GST.
As we get super busy with reticulation work, we are not able to commit our time to come to site and give free quotes.
However, if you can send us your site plans or photos with measurements of the area needing turf and/or retic installed, with as much information as you can, we will be able to provide a formal quote for the job without attending site.
If you would like us to come and do a formal quote on site, our Call Out fee of $99 inc GST will apply.
rural irrigation & reticulation
We mainly focus on residential reticulation and only carry standard sized fittings and pipe.
Please do note that we do not carry rural fittings or pipe, so additional charges will apply for rural / non standard sized fittings and the purchase of blue line / red line pipe.
There are many varieties of turf, but these are the most popular including Mr Retic Pricing for each turf variety:
Is a fine leaf couch lawn and requires 5+ hours a day of direct sun light to preform well.
It costs between $15.00/sqm – $23.00/sqm + delivery (usually around $140.00) supplied and laid inc GST.
softleaf buffalo
Both Sir Walter and Palmetto are great thicker leaf Buffalo lawns that look great all year round.
Costs range between $19.00/sqm – $25.00 + delivery (usually around $140.00) supplied and laid inc GST.
empire zoyzia
This is the turf they are calling the turf of the future – it is very popular at the moment, because of it low allergies and water efficiency. Also because of its ability to thrive in our WA climate. Its resistance to sea water makes it a great option for the coastal properties.
Costs range between $19.00/sqm to $25.00sqm + delivery (usually around $140.00) supplied and laid inc GST.
laying turf
In turf laying we assume the following:
- the ground has been prepared and is approx 20ml below desired finish height for Wintergreen and 40ml for Buffalo turfs.
- the soil has been levelled and raked free of rocks and debris for best growth.
- any soil conditioner has already been added ( However we are able to supply and spread this if not done).
*If not completed we can quote on these works.
When we come we will:
- screed the area to get the soil smooth and level
- spread the dynamic lifter (lawn starter), and wet the area activating the fertiliser
lay the chosen turf - compact the lawn to start root growth
- sweep the area and clean up
- give you written instructions on how to maintain your new lawn
The excess turf and wastes will be left on your block to dispose of.
We can also:
- remove excess dirt ($220.00/trailer load inc GST).
- supply and spread soil conditioner ($200.00/trailer load inc GST).
- remove all wastes – price depends on volume but usually $150.00 inc GST covers it.
All turf is guaranteed to be supplied in top condition and laid according to best practice, however Mr. Retic cannot be responsible for the ongoing health of the turf. Adequate watering / weeding / mowing / fertilizing will all ensure the turf will remain healthy.