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Programming Your Retic Control Box

programming your retic

It’s always a bit difficult understanding your new reticulation controller, and how to program it for your watering requirements.

The video below shows you how to program a Hunter X-Core controller, which are presently one of the most popular Retic Controllers in Perth.

In this video I try and give you a brief understanding on how to program this unit. If you follow this guideline (with most other popular controllers as well) you will have successfully set your Retic Controller. There are a couple of things to watch our for. Make sure you only have ONE starting time. And ensure that your watering days are correct for your residence in Perth, you don’t want to get caught watering on the wrong day.

Stay Waterwise Perth – check your watering days here.

Trouble shooting – If your Retic System is coming on at all times of the day, double check that that there is only one start time. If your Retic Controller has multiple programs, so you will need to check all of those programs also.

For any other questions please feel free to give me a call.

To give you an idea of sprinkler run times, use the table below as a guide when programming your retic controller run times.

Irrigation installations retic
Waterwise watering for your lawns