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Retic Controllers of the Future

retic controllers of the future

Retic Controllers of the future are here now, and if you haven’t seen these Reticulation Controllers around you are missing out… In the Domestic market in my opinion these are the leaders in water saving smart *ET controllers.

If your looking for a new Reticulation Controller these are the future and the way to go to start saving water and dollars of your next water bill as well as saving our precious resources.

I have been installing both these smart controllers for a while. It is exciting how much the controllers have changed over the last few years with the emphasis on being waterwise. As a bonus these controllers can also help you save all year round.

*ET (evapotranspiration) Weater stations can deliver a great and real water saving benefit to the home owner, small business, and commercial properties.

how they work

They calculating the onsite/local (depending on the controller) weather, soil, and shade conditions, then adjusting the water delivery requirements to give the optimum watering levels for the healthy nourishment and plants growth.

By measuring sunlight, rainfall and temperature, the controller uses ET to calculate the correct adjustment to the water output. In cooler months like Autumn and winter it automatically drops the watering run times. You don’t even have to touch the controller!

The same is then said for Spring and Summer the controller then uses its original programmed run time and adjusts to seasonal adjustment value to modify the actual irrigation run time for that day. Then on the extreme days we get here in Perth this system establishes the required water delivery for your plants to thrive.

These units also integrate the sought after weather station links to monitor rain that provides quick response in shutting down your irrigation system during rain.

If you want to chat with Mr Retic to see if these smart controllers are something that would suit your reticulation needs, contact us.