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Fed up with the sand?

fed up with the sand? Contact Mr Retic for Lawn and Retic Installs

When we built our first house in 2008, we lived with sand in the front and back yards. For over 4 years!! We we were so fed up with the sand!!

We had a dog that loved the sand, and a doggy door!. She would fly in and out of the doggy door, spreading sand everywhere! We were constantly vacuuming sand from the tiled floor, as on thing we couldn’t stand was walking on sand on the inside floors!

Once our daughter was born, we decided it was finally time to get the garden and turf installed. She loved playing in the dirty sand… so we chose to put in a kids sand pit for her instead – winning!!

It was amazing how much difference it made to the yard (and also to the floors in our home) once we had landscaped our yards. No more sand under our feet INSIDE our home. And we finally loved the view outside our windows – looking out to our beautiful garden & lawn.

If you are fed up with the sand and ready to create your garden and lawn area, now is the best time! Get in before everyone turns on their retic in Spring, before the retic industry starts to ramp up again.

We would love the opportunity to quote you on your lawn and retic needs. Send us an email with your plan, measurements and turf preference and we can pop a quote together for you.